Monday, February 9, 2015

School Schedule: 9Feb15

Home Economics- She made her own eggs with "cheese" on them. 

Monday- We had co-op today, she learned about Kenya. We started playing chess without the cards today and she wrote a postcard to a friend. 

Tuesday- Math- Finish chapter 6 of Math Mammoth. She will also work with Skylar in the evening on some sort of math, probably something from Horse Lovers Math (I really want to get their workbook for Emma to work in next, but the shipping is outrageous). 
Spelling- pop quiz on the new spelling list, followed by a short story with some of the spelling words. 
Piano- Lesson #4. We keep putting this off. 
Fitness- She has swim lessons (plus an extra hour of swimming before lessons) and we need to walk Bailey. I also need to get in a run, so she will either run with me, bike or play in the kids area at the gym. 
4-H- She took photos for a photography project yesterday so I will print up the pictures and she will finish the project. 
Art- We will be learning about the Cathedral of Brasilia and doing some sort of worksheet/activity to go along with it.

We also need to get eggs, drop off recycling and visit the library at some point tomorrow. 

Wednesday- Math will be some sort of game, I will let Emma choose, I need her to write a letter (and I may ask her to sneak in a few spelling words), she will practice the piano, she has gymnastics, we will listen to SOTW and that will probably be it. 

Thursday- To be truthful, I haven't planned that far out yet. Math will be more of Math Mammoth, hopefully starting chapter 7, writing will be cursive practice, more piano practice, swim lessons and some work on one of her 4-H projects. 

Friday will be for anything we didn't get done during the week. 

If you are interested, you can follow us on Instagram. I'll try to take a photo everyday of Emma while she is working on school work. 

Friday, February 6, 2015

School Schedule: 6Feb15

Yes, I do realize that it's Friday. I decided not to bring my laptop with us to NH and there was no way I was writing a blog post on our tablet.

Anyway, the week of the 26th went, well, it went. We did get spelling done, some math, some SOTW and cursive practice. We didn't get letters written, art done or piano practiced.

But, some weeks go that way.

This past week we did get some school work done, even with a trip to visit family thrown into the mix. We got spelling done and some math. Today we got more spelling done, writing, lots of math and two walks done.

Seems we really like spelling.

Two spelling lists. 

Aside from the "school" learning, Emma's week was full of learning. 

Learning patience

Learning to "teach" reading

Learning about wildlife of New Hampshire

Learning that she really is good at puzzles

Learning that loosing matters less than the joy of the game and good company

Learning that snow days are really awesome!

Learning that clams are yummy

We'll probably try to get a bit more school work knocked out this weekend, but there is a possibility of horse lessons this weekend, so we will see. 

What did you learn this past week?